Quality Schemes 2018-10-19T01:36:17+00:00
Quality Schemes

Quality Schemes

European and national legislation lay down a wide variety of rules with which poultry farmers and processors have to comply.

Several EU member states have private quality schemes in place. They ensure their members are compliant with EU and national legislation and lay down additional requirements, which go beyond those laid down in law.

The IKB system

In the Netherlands, this is the Integral Chain Control (IKB).

Participation to the scheme is voluntary, but not without conditions. The scheme lays down sets of requirements for every part of the production chain, from hatcheries and breeding farms till meat processors.

Official certifying institutions visit the companies at least once a year to check for compliance. After a successful inspection, companies receive a certificate that is valid for a year.

Currently, IKB covers almost 100% of the Dutch poultry sector.

More information on the IKB certification scheme is presented on the website of AVINEDhttps://pluimned.avined.nl/thema/ikb-kip-in-english

Other member states have their own private schemes. For instance, Germany has the QS-system, which is similar to the IKB scheme.