Sector Organizations 2024-07-30T07:56:17+00:00
Sector Organizations

Sector Organizations

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Sector Organizations
NVWA Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (national reference laboratory) AVINED PLUIMNED OVONED NEPLUVI NVP LTO / NOP ANEVEI IKB (private quality system) IKB (private quality system)


The NVWA (the Dutch food and product safety board), is a government body that was established in its current form in July 2002. Their main objective is to guarantee the safety of food and other products and to protect public health and animal health and welfare.  They do so using rules for food safety recorded in the Health and Safety codes or European Law. The NVWA is an independent agency in the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and a delivery agency for the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.

The main tasks of the NVWA are supervision, risk assessment and risk communication. They provide incident and crisis management and advice the ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and other relevant ministries to ensure the health and safety of the animals and the public.

Main activities

The NVWA checks on companies and institutions (slaughterhouses, cold stores, cutting plants etc.) to make sure they comply with current laws and regulations. The NVWA has the authority to impose sanctions and check whether companies observe the rules or not and can intervene if necessary. To inspect these companies, the NVWA uses professionals (veterinarians, inspectors and supervisors).  The NVWA also intervenes if a situation occurs that damages the well-being of the poultry. Companies are therefore checked on whether they comply with rules regarding animal welfare, animal health and the health of the public and the competent authority checks every chainin the process; from import and export of poultry (products) and all processes that occur before, during and after production of poultry meat. The NVWA can revoke or suspend licenses, institute criminal or administrative proceedings or perform a recall action.

Health Certificates

The NVWA is the competent authority performing inspection of poultry(products) before export. If the products pass inspection successfully, they are rewarded with a animal health certificate. In turn, regarding imported products, the NVWA checks if the certificates from the countries of origin comply with EU requirements. The NVWA has the authority to ban import from countries struck with an animal disease or which are at risk of spreading contaminated foodstuffs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (MANF) is a government agency that is concerned with a variety of topics related to the Dutch economy, product and food safety and agriculture. The Ministry is led by the Minister of Agriculture, Ms. Carola Schouten. The organization is split into different departments, among which also the inspector general of the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

Main activities

MANF advocates for a strong international competitive position, innovation and growth for entrepreneurs with attention to nature and collaboration between researchers and entrepreneurs.

Rules & Laws

The ministry is aiming for a world-class agro food sector focusing on the environment and animal welfare. This is relevant to the poultry industry as the ministry drafts laws and rules to guarantee the health of the industry and the NVWA checks that these rules are followed.

So, most importantly, the Ministry of Agriculture creates laws and regulations, mostly in benefit of the animals, the trade and the industry. This also includes taking measures to prevent the spread of animal diseases, follow-up on farms that display animal cruelty or use pesticides which harm the health of the animal or the consumer.

Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (national reference laboratory)

Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR), is a research institute which collaborates with government agencies and businesses aiming to protect animal and human health. They prevent, fight and control animal diseases and are commissioned to perform research by local, national and international government agencies, interest groups, product boards, business life and the industry. The WBVR is the Dutch national reference lab responsible for the technical support of laboratories and authorities, quality assurance and the control of residues in certain foods.

Main activities

The WBVR is an internationally renowned knowledge based organization in the field of animal health and conducting scientific and practical research. The WBVR consists of a team of professionals who conduct research commissioned by various clients but also do independent research. The WBVR has contributed to the eradication of multiple animal diseases and zoonosis in Europe and regularly publish scientific publications to contribute to science and society.

During the outbreak of certain diseases, they will act as a crisis organization and take on an executive and advisory role for the government.

Knowledge partner

The WBVR is also responsible for making definitive diagnoses and has legal research tasks such as researching notifiable animal diseases (a disease that, by law, must be reported to officials). The most important of these diseases is Avian Influenza, in which the laboratory of the WBVR is specialized. During outbreaks of these animal diseases, the laboratory runs 24/7 and fulfills an advisory role to the government. This in addition to the official responsibility of researching and confirming the diagnoses.

The WBVR further investigates animal diseases, treatment methods and veterinary drugs (vaccines) concerning the animals in question. In addition, the WBVR also provides diagnostics and advice for individual companies/farms to ensure the health and position of the Dutch animal farming sector.



AVINED, OVONED and PLUIMNED were founded in 2013 by the LTO/NOP, NVP, NEPLUVI and ANEVEI. The joint mission of these foundations is “efficient service to further strengthen the current sustainable and robust market position of the Dutch poultry sector.”

Main activities

AVINED’s main purpose is to provide information, be a consultation platform for the sector and to represent the sector towards the government. AVINED is the main point of contact for the primary poultry meat and egg sector. Activities vary from what is relevant and what AVINED deems important to the poultry sector (i.e. animal health, antibiotics, salmonella and research programs). In 2016, this meant managing KIP databases (the system in which all Dutch poultry farms are registered), antibiotics, salmonella and other activities relevant to poultry health.

AVINED strives to promote sustainable competitiveness. The Western European market is increasingly focusing on animal welfare, product characteristics, quality and price. A challenging environment for companies to work in and AVINED strives to support the Dutch sector in this playing field. During the outbreak of an animal disease, AVINED is the point of contact of both the sector and the government.


For poultry farmers, AVINED has an online digital dossier where they offer accessible information. This project is meant to provide poultry farmers with info on salmonella tests, antibiotic regulations, IKB certificates and I&R data in one environment.

In short

AVINED services the entire poultry industry, both egg and meat. They are a lobbyist and representative of the industry and defend the well-being of the Dutch poultry industry.


About Pluimned

The PLUIMNED foundation was established together with OVONED and AVINED in 2013. PLUIMNED focuses on the poultry sector and stands up for the interests of the poultry meat chain.

The objective of PLUIMNED is "Efficient service to further strengthen the current sustainable and robust market position of the Dutch poultry sector".

Main activities

PLUIMNED is an officially government-recognized organization for the poultry sector. Therefore, the organization may implemented obligatory levies on poultry farmers (after approval of the ministry), meant to be used for activities and studies advantageous to companies and organizations in the poultry meat sector. Furthermore, PLUIMNED provides organizations with relevant information, functions as a consultation platform for the sector and represents the sector towards the government.

In short

PLUIMNED services the entire poultry meat industry. They are lobbyist and representative of the industry and defend the well-being of the Dutch poultry meat industry.


About Ovoned

OVONED’s tasks many focus on the egg sector. OVONED is a government-recognized organization. Therefore, the organization may implement obligatory levies on poultry farmers (after approval of the ministry), meant to be used for activities and studies advantageous to companies and organizations in the egg sector.

Main tasks

OVONED manages IKB Ei (Egg) and helps improve the reputation of eggs and the sector.

OVONED’s objective is “efficient service to further strengthen the current sustainable and robust market position of the Dutch poultry sector”. OVONED promotes sustainable competitiveness of the various chains in the egg sector by promoting animal welfare, quality, added-value and price.

Furthermore, OVONED provides its members with relevant information, functions as a consultation platform for the sector and represent the sector to the government.

In short

OVONED services the entire egg industry. They are lobbyist and representative of the industry and defend the well-being of the Dutch egg industry.



NEPLUVI (Dutch Poultry Processing Industry) is a Dutch organization that stands up for the interests of its members namely entrepreneurs in the poultry processing industry. They are concerned with a wide range of topics related to the poultry processing industry, for example, they are engaged in food safety, food quality, poultry exports, working conditions and the environment. In addition, NEPLUVI is co-founder of the foundations PLUIMNED and AVINED.

NEPLUVI is the voice of the poultry-producing sector and ensure that the sector is properly depicted in the media.

Main activities

NEPLUVI makes sure to be constantly informed on current societal and economic developments worldwide (veterinary matters, legal affairs, social issues, poultry promotion, export and market access, procedures and economic problems and social responsibility) and present this information to its members.

To do so, NEPLUVI works closely with the Dutch government, the EU and organizations in other Member States. NEPLUVI has representatives in the Board and Committees of Education and Training, the Audit institution for Poultry and Eggs, the Pension Fund (VLEP), and the bodies of the Social Affairs Poultry Industry. Furthermore, they are members of the European umbrella organization of the poultry processing industry (AVEC) and more.


Entrepreneurs in the poultry processing industry can become a member. With this membership, companies can make use of all activities and services offered by NEPLUVI. This includes support in individual problems and getting direct access to all information NEPLUVI owns.

In short

NEPLUVI stands up for the Dutch poultry processing industry and promotes the interests of both the industry and its members.


About NVP

NVP stands for the Dutch Union for Poultry Holders (Nederlandse Vakbond Pluimveehouders). NVP has been active since 2004 and focuses on the interests of Dutch poultry farmers. The organization wants to strengthen the position of poultry farmers and their motto is “what is consumed in the Netherlands, should also be allowed to be produced in the Netherlands!” The NVP is also a co-founder of PLUIMNED, OVONED and AVINED.

Main activities

The NVP strives for a level playing field, which has been under pressure due to the increase of free trade treaties with locations where there are standards for poultry holdings and factors of production. NVP argues that the sector has to stand up for itself and the interests of the poultry farms.

Together with their members, NVP wants to be a bigger, stronger group to bring more attention to the sector. In addition, the NVP is engaged in the economic feasibility regarding sustainability, to ensure a proper income for poultry farmers now and in the future.  The NVP aims to represent the primary poultry farms in The Hague (Dutch political centre), but also to collaborate with research institutes such as the University of Wageningen and other expert partners to create a more accurate and positive picture of the poultry sector to gain more appreciation and recognition.

In short

The NVP lobbies for and promotes the poultry holders in the Netherlands and aims to strengthen the position of the Dutch poultry farmers now and in the future.



LTO-NOP is part of the Dutch entrepreneurs and employers Agriculture and Horticulture Organization (Land-en Tuinbouw Organisatie Nederland, LTO). NOP is short for the Dutch Organization of Poultry holders (Nederlandse Organisatie van Pluimveehouders). LTO represents around 50.000 farmers and represents the interests of the entrepreneurs in agriculture and horticulture. LTO-NOP is co-founder of the foundations AVINED, OVONED and PLUIMNED.

Main activities

LTO has agricultural entrepreneurs distributed across different sectors including poultry holders. LTO-NOP focuses on the poultry holders’ interests in strengthening international competitiveness through market-based entrepreneurship and a good social entrepreneurial climate. LTO-NOP is committed to promoting the image of the poultry sector and focuses on projects on the subject of transparency and information. The organization also focuses on the growing demand from society for animal welfare and sustainable production, such as carbon footprint, emissions and combating salmonella and avian influenza.

In short

LTO-NOP stands up for the interests and needs of the Dutch poultry holders, and wants to strengthen their competitive position internationally.



ANEVEI (the Dutch Association for egg traders and egg product manufacturers) is the sector organization for the wholesale in eggs and egg product in the Netherlands.

Main activities

ANEVEI represents her members both nationally and internationally and works closely together with for instance the European association for traders in eggs and egg products. ANEVEI is active on a wide variety of topics, ranging from social affairs, trade issues to marketing requirements and sector promotion.


The members of ANEVEI are involved in the production, collection, sorting, packing and/or trading of eggs and in the further processing of these eggs. Together they process and trade approximately 80% of the eggs in the Netherlands.

In short

ANEVEI represents the egg trading and processing sector in the Netherlands.

IKB (private quality system)

About IKB

IKB (Integral Chain Control), is not an organization but a quality system. IKB was designed to guarantee the quality and origin of livestock. This system has regulations in place for pigs, calves, chickens and eggs. If a product has the IKB certification mark, this indicates that this specific product has been subjected to additional checks in production, transportation and processing. IKB is divided into different systems for different products, for example, IKB Kip (chicken), which was founded by the Dutch chicken meat sector and is managed by PLUIMNED, or IKB Ei (egg) which is focused on the egg industry and is managed by OVONED.

What it does

If eggs or chicken meat have been subjected to these systems, they guarantee that these products have successfully passed quality tests and that they meet the criteria prescribed in contracts, regulations and certification schemes. So, IKB chicken meat guarantees that the meat meets certain agreements about quality relevant to all chains in the process. Not just breeding and processing but also transportation, veterinarians and other parties involved. 

The rules developed by IKB are open to the public and describe requirements that may affect the quality of the product, such as inspection, work instructions, use of pesticides, transportation, cleaning and disinfection plans etc. 


Companies can apply to join IKB on a voluntary basis. Companies have to be approved before being accepted to the program. If they are accepted they will receive an IKB certification and are recorded into the IKB register. Companies are checked on a yearly basis after which certificates may be revoked or renewed. 

IKB (private quality system)

About IKB

IKB (Integral Chain Control), is not an organization but a quality system. IKB was designed to guarantee the quality and origin of livestock. This system has regulations in place for pigs, calves, chickens and eggs. If a product has the IKB certification mark, this indicates that this specific product has been subjected to additional checks in production, transportation and processing. IKB is divided into different systems for different products, for example, IKB Kip (chicken), which was founded by the Dutch chicken meat sector and is managed by PLUIMNED, or IKB Ei (egg) which is focused on the egg industry and is managed by OVONED.

What it does

If eggs or chicken meat have been subjected to these systems, they guarantee that these products have successfully passed quality tests and that they meet the criteria prescribed in contracts, regulations and certification schemes. So, IKB chicken meat guarantees that the meat meets certain agreements about quality relevant to all chains in the process. Not just breeding and processing but also transportation, veterinarians and other parties involved. 

The rules developed by IKB are open to the public and describe requirements that may affect the quality of the product, such as inspection, work instructions, use of pesticides, transportation, cleaning and disinfection plans etc. 


Companies can apply to join IKB on a voluntary basis. Companies have to be approved before being accepted to the program. If they are accepted they will receive an IKB certification and are recorded into the IKB register. Companies are checked on a yearly basis after which certificates may be revoked or renewed.